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Forklift Diesel

WE SELLROTARY POSITION SENSOR KIT FORKLIFT SPARE PARTS -. Contact: 0817-0313-6572 WhatsApp & Tel 0821-4104-5240

Next Company Our Profile:

CV. Karya Keluarga Diesel is a company engaged in providing various types and brands of ROTARY POSITION SENSOR KIT Forklift with standard Japanese licenses and we are ready to provide support and good after-sales service according to the needs and expectations of customers.

We have been trusted by various companies and factories using forklift spare parts that are spread from Sabang to Merauke ranging from small, medium scale, to government and multinational companies.

With more than 20 years of experience in forklift spare parts with the most comprehensive collection of products in its class with very high industrial needs, we reach all Indonesia and even internationally by opening the Forklift E-commerce Online Shop operating in Surabaya with the domain name www.forkliftmurah. com, www.dealerforkliftpartmurah.com, www.forklift-murah.com which is definitely faster, more precise and easier, it is definitely cheaper throughout the country. • We are ready to be your partner to help build your industry acceleration in forklift operations • We prove that we are the most complete, best and cheapest in the field of Forklift Spare Parts

Company Vision To Become the No.1 Forklift Spare Parts Company in INDONESIA that prioritizes quality, speed and customer satisfaction

The Company's mission is to make Indonesia more advanced and develop in business and industry in front of the International

Our goal is to become a leading, trusted and leading company in the field of spare bare forklift procurement, as well as providing the best service for every customer. We believe that our goal can be achieved by having a good and solid partnership both from our internal, customer and partner teams

The key to our customers' satisfaction lies in a number of things including our expertise in providing appropriate product solutions to answer the diverse needs of our customers, the availability of quality and complete products at competitive prices, and on-time delivery to minimize downtime the time of your Forklift unit which will definitely lead to maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Service Range for CV. Karya Keluarga Diesel

And of course you need cheap, best and reliable Expedition services for your cargo shipments, at a low cost, it's time for you to take advantage of our best services, with a wide range of services ranging from Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku to Papua with very affordable tariffs .

Quality of service is definitely our top priority, so your cargo shipments can arrive sooner at lower shipping prices.

Cargo shipping services reach all regency cities in Indonesia with modes of transportation by air, ship, trucking to Pelni ships. With the coverage area of Sumatra Island covering the Province:

Aceh : Banda Aceh - Langsa Lhokseumawe - Meulaboh - Sabang - Subulussalam, And surrounding

Bali : Denpasar, And surrounding

Bangka Belitung : Pangkalpinang, And surrounding

Banten : Celigon - Serang - Tanggerang Selatan - Tanggerang, And surrounding

Bengkulu : Bengkulu, And surrounding

Gorontalo : Gorontalo, And surrounding

Jakarta : Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat - Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat - Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan - Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur - Kota Administrasi Jakarta Utara, And surrounding

Jambi : Sungai Penuh - Jambi, And surrounding

Jawa Barat : Bandung - Bekasi - Bogor - Cimahi - Cirebon - Depok - Sukabumi - Tasikmalaya - Banjar, And surrounding

Jawa Tenggah : Magelang - Pekalongan - Purwokerto - Salatiga - Semarang - Surakarta - Tegal, And surrounding

Jawa Timur : Batu - Blitar - Kediri - Madiun - Malang - Mojokerto - Pasuruan - Probolinggo - Surabaya, And surrounding

Kalimantan Barat : Pontianak - Singkawang, And surrounding

Kalimantan Selatan : Banjarbaru - Banjar Masin, And surrounding

Kalimantan Tengah : Palangkaraya, And surrounding

Kalimantan Timur : Balikpapan - Bontang - Samarinda, And surrounding

Kalimantan Utara : Tarakan, And surrounding

Kepulauan Riau : Batam - Tanjungpinang, And surrounding

Lampung : Bandar Lampung - Metro, And surrounding

Maluku Utara : Ternate - Tidore Kepulauan, And surrounding

Maluku : Ambon - Tual, And surrounding

Nusa Tenggara Barat : Bima - Mataram, And surrounding

Nusa Tenggara Timur : Kupang, And surrounding

Papua Barat : Sorong, And surrounding

Papua : Jayapura, And surrounding

Riau : Dumai - Pekanbaru, And surrounding

Sulawesi Selatan : Makassar - Palopo - Parepare, And surrounding

Sulawesi Tengah : Palu, And surrounding

Sulawesi Tenggara : Palu - Bau Bau - Kendari, And surrounding

Sulawesi Utara : Bitung - Kotamobagu - Manado - Tomohon, And surrounding

Sumatera Barat : Bukittinggi - Padang - Padangpanjang - Pariaman - Payakumbuh - Sawahlunto - Solok, And surrounding

Sumatera Selatan : Lubuklinggau - Pagaralam - Palembang - Prabumulih, And surrounding

Sumatera Utara : Binjai - Medan - Padang Sidempuan - Pematangsiantar - Sibolga - Tanjungbalai - Tebingtinggi, And surrounding

Yogyakarta : Yogyakarta, And surrounding

Following are Shipping Expeditions for Our Forklift Spare Parts:

Serving Shipping via TIKI, JNE, Wahana, J & T, Rosalia Express, Soekini, Sadana, Adam Express, Papandayan, SRA Cargo, LION Parsel, Alpha Sigma, Merah Jaya, Duta Cargo, Buana Langgeng Jaya Travel, Bali Prima, Pos Indonesia, Herona , Bandung Express, Sicepat, Afro Angkasa, Papua Trans Cargo, West Jaya Transport, Trans Ambassador, Max Berlian, KI 8, KA LOG, Himeji, BPC, Dakota Cargo, GO-JEK Indonesia, GRAB Indonesia, or other expedition shipping services chill by the customer.

Note: We also serve purchases from abroad

So we are ready to send your order wherever you are.

Immediately contact us now, because we will serve you with pleasure.

Mr. Romeo: 0817-0313-6572 WhatsApp and Telephone

Ms. Chyntia: 0821-4104-5240 WhatsApp and Telephone

Office Address: Bubutan 82 A, Telephone Office 031-5329714

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.dealerforkliftpartmurah.com

Website: www.forkliftmurah.com

FORKLIFT ROTARY POSITION SENSOR KITthe cheapest guaranteed price. Contact: 0817-0313-6572 WhatsApp & Tel 0821-4104-5240

Product description

-Made of quality materials and licenses from Japan

-Easy installation without the need to change other parts

-Can be used at high temperature so it is safe to use for 24-hour factory industrial activities

Our Satisfaction Guarantee:

1. We guarantee product 2 x 24 hours from receipt if there is damage caused by product quality and not an installation error or anything else

2. Products can be returned if they are not in accordance with the quality that we convey above

3. Return 100% money if the product is not suitable and is not a mistake of requesting goods from the customer

Immediately contact us now, because we will serve you with pleasure.

Mr. Romeo: 0817-0313-6572 WhatsApp and Telephone

Ms. Chyntia: 0821-4104-5240 WhatsApp and Telephone

Office Address: Bubutan 82 A, Telephone Office 031-5329714

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.dealerforkliftpartmurah.com

Website: www.forkliftmurah.com

We also provide spare parts forklifts of various brands as below

Accelerators,Ball Screw Rods,Carbon Brushes,Connector,Connector Handles,Contactors & Kits,Controllers,Cooler Motor,DC-DC Commutators,Drive Motor,Emergency Stop Switches,Handheld Programmers,Hydraulic Motor,IGBT,Joysticks,Lift Sensors,Power Steering Actuator Assembles,Rotary Position Sensor Kits,Speed Sensors,Torque Sensors,Traction Battery Charges,Wiper Motors

Here are some Forklift Brands besides the Forklift Spare Parts that we sell

To ask for the Price List of Forklift Spare Parts can directly contact us:

  1. Forklift Komatsu

    2. Forklift Toyota

    3. Forklift Mitsubishi

    4. Forklift Caterpillar

    5. Forklift TCM

    6. Forklift Nissan

    7. Forklift Isuzu

    8. Forklift Hyundai

    9. Forklift CAT

    10. Forklift Hitachi

    1 Forklift Doosan

    12. Forklift Kobelco

    13. Forklift Yanmar

    14. Forklift Excavator

    15. Forklift Nichiyu

    16. Forklift Xinchai

    17. Forklift Dancai

    18. Forklift Quanchai

    19. Forklift Wanfeng

    20. Forklift Lonking

    2 Forklift Hyster

    22. Forklift Heli

    23. Forklift Linde

    24. Forklift Perkins

    25. Forklift Yale

    26. Forklift Jungheinrich

Other Chinese Forklifts


The Following Are Various Components of Forklift Engine Parts Spare Parts that we sell:

  1. Altenators / Dinamo Ampere

  2. Camshafts / Noken As

  3. Camshaft Bearing Sets / Bearing Noken as

  4. Carburetors / karburator

  5. Carburetors Rebulid Kits / karburator

  6. Connectings Rods / Stang Seher / Stang Seker

  7. Conecting Rod Bearing / Metal Jalan / Metal Stang Seker

  8. Crankshafts / Kruk As / Krek As

  9. Crankshaft Bearing Sets / Metal Duduk / Metal Block Cylinder

  10. Cylinder Heads / Cylinder Head / Cylinder Kop / Silinder Kop

  11. Cylinder Head Gaskets / Gasket Cylinder kop / Packing Kop

  12. Cylinder Liner / Boring / lener / Liner kit

  13. Cylinder Liner Sets / Boring Set / liner Set

  14. Distributors / Distributor

  15. Distributors Caps

  16. Engine Gears / Gear Mesin / Gir Mesin

  17. Engine Mounts / Pangkon Mesin / Stabiliser

  18. Engine Mounting Stabilizers / Karet Pangkon Mesin

  19. Engine Overhaul Kits / Oh kit /

  20. Flyweel Assemblies / Roda gila

  21. Flyweel Gear Rings / Gigi Roda Gila

  22. Flyweel Houshings / Housing Roda Gila

  23. Flywheels / Roda Gila

  24. Fuel Cut Solenoids / Solenoid Solar

  25. Fuel Feed Pumps / Pompa Solar / pompa Bospom

  26. Fuel Pumps / Pompa solar

  27. Glow Plugs / Busi Pemanas

  28. Ignition Wire Sets / Cable

  29. Injection Pumps / Bosch Pomp

  30. Injection Pump Heads / bosh pump

  31. Injectors / Injek tor

  32. Inlet / Exhaust Valve / Valve In / valve Ex / Klep

  33. Intake / Exhaust Valve Seats

  34. Nozzles / Nozzle

  35. Oil Pressure Switches / Switch Oli

  36. Oil Pumps / Pompa Oli

  37. Pistons / Seker / Seher

  38. Piston Ring Sets / Piston Ring / Ring Seher / Ring Seker

  39. Rocker Arm Assemblies / Ass Manukan

  40. Rotor Head / Distributor Head

  41. Spark Plugs

  42. Starters / Dinamo Stater / Dinamo Listrik

  43. Thrust Washer Sets / Metal Bulan

  44. Valve Guides / Valve

  45. Valve Seals / Seal Valve

  46. Water Temp Senders / Water Temperature

  47. Cylinder Block / Cylinder Block / Block Silinder

  48. Cylinder Head / Cylinder Kop / Silinder Head

  49. Liner Cylinder / Liner

  50. Piston Assy / Seher / Seker

  51. Packing Set Overhaul

  52. Connecting ROD / Stang

  53. Bushing Con Rod / Boshing

  54. Metal Kit / Metal set

  55. Radiator

  56. Water Pump / Water pump

  57. Injection Pump / BOsh Pump

  58. Work Equipment / Perlengkapan Lainnya

  59. dan masih banyak lainnya


The Following Are Various Components of Forklift Cooling Parts Spare Parts that we sell:

  1. Fan Blades / Kipas Radiator / Kipas

  2. Radiator

  3. Radiator Hoses / Selang Radiator

  4. Thermostats / Thermostate

  5. Water Pumps / Water Pump


The Following Are Various Components Forklift Spare Parts Filter Parts that we sell:

  1. Air Cleaner Assemblies / Air Cleaner

  2. Air Filter / Filter Udara

  3. Engine Inlet Hoses / Selang masuk

  4. Engine Outlet Hoses / Selang Radiator

  5. Fuel Filter / Filter Solar

  6. Fuel Filter Assemblies / Filter Solar Assy

  7. Hyd. Suction Filter / Hydraulic Filter

  8. Hyd. Return Filter / Filter Hydraulic

  9. Oil Filter / Oli Filter

  10. Strainer / Strainner

  11. Transmission Filter / Transmision Filter


The Following Are Various Components of Forklift Transmission Parts Spare Parts that we sell:

  1. Charging Pump Oil Seals

  2. Clucth Cover / Matahari / Dekrup

  3. Clucth Disc / Plate kopling / Kampas Kopling

  4. Clucth Pack Assemblies

  5. Clutch Pack Seal Rings

  6. Friction Plates / Plate

  7. Gear dan Pinions / Gear

  8. Propeller Shaft Assemblies

  9. Solenoid Valves

  10. Steel Plates

  11. Synchronizer Assemblies

  12. Synchronizer Rings

  13. Tor-con Input Plates

  14. Torque Converter Housings

  15. Touque Converters

  16. Transmission Assemblies

  17. Transmission Case Mounts

  18. Trans. Charging Pumps

  19. Transmission Gears

  20. Transmission Housings

  21. Transsmission O/H Kits


The Following Are Various Components of Forklift Hydraulic Part Spare Parts that we sell:

  1. Clucth Master Cylinders / Master Cylinder Atas

  2. Clucth Release Cylinders / Master Cylinder Bawah

  3. Control Valve

  4. Control Valve Kit

  5. Hydraulic Pump / Pompa Hydraulic

  6. Hydraulic Pump Drive Shaft / Drive Shaft

  7. Hydraulic Return Hoses

  8. Hydraulic Suction Hoses

  9. Orbitrol

  10. Orbitrol Kit


Here are the Various Components of the Forklift Brake Part Spare Parts that we sell:

  1. Adjusters

  2. Brake Assemblies

  3. Brake Drum & Hubs

  4. Brake Shoes

  5. Brake Assy Kits

  6. Front Hubs

  7. Master Cylinder

  8. Master Cylinder Kit

  9. Parking Brake Cables

  10. Shoe-hold Pin Kits

  11. Wheel Cylinders

  12. Wheel Cylinder Kit


The Following Are Various Components of Forklift Steering Part Spare Parts that we sell:

  1. Center Arms

  2. King Pin

  3. King Pin Kit

  4. Knuckles

  5. Needle Bearing

  6. Self Lubricating Bearing

  7. Steering Axle

  8. Steering Axle Assemblies

  9. Steering Axle Bushing

  10. Steering Cyliner

  11. Steering Cyliner Seal Kit

  12. Steering Hub

  13. Steering Hub Bolt

  14. Steering Link Collar

  15. Steering Link Pin

  16. Steering Link

  17. Thrust Bearing

  18. The Rod End


The Following Are Various Components of Forklift Chassis Part Spare Parts that we sell:

  1. Accelerator Cable

  2. Chassis Accessories & Cover

  3. Engine Hood Cable

  4. Exhaust Pipes

  5. Flameout Cable

  6. Gas Spring

  7. Inching Cable

  8. Muffler

  9. Pedel Spring

  10. Rear-View Mirror

  11. Seat

  12. Safety Belt

  13. Shift Cable


The Following Are Various Components of Forklift Mast Part Spare Parts that we sell:

  1. Fork

  2. Fork Extention

  3. Lift Cylinder Assemblie

  4. Lift Cylinder Seal Kit

  5. Load Backrest

  6. Mast Assemblie

  7. Mast Bushing

  8. Mast Chain

  9. Mast Chain Sheaves

  10. Mast Roller

  11. Mast Side Roller

  12. Tilt Cylinder Assemblie

  13. Tilt Cylinder Pin

  14. Tilt Cylinder Seal Kit


The Following Are Various Components of Forklift Electrical Parts Spare Parts that we sell:

  1. Back Up Alarms

  2. Blue/Red Spot Safety Lights

  3. Bulbs

  4. Comb. Lamp Switches

  5. Comb. Switch Assemblies

  6. Combination Meter Assemblies

  7. Front Comb. Lamps

  8. Forward & Reverse Switches

  9. Fuses

  10. Fuses Boxes

  11. Fuel Level Sending Units

  12. Head Lamps

  13. Horns

  14. Ignition Sitches

  15. Netral Safety Switches

  16. Rear Comb. Lamps

  17. Rear Lamp Brackets

  18. Red Zone Warning Lights

  19. Relays

  20. Reverse Switches

  21. Strobe Lamps

  22. Stop Light Switches


The Following Are Various Components of Forklift Electrical Forklift Parts Spare Parts that we sell:

  1. Accelerators

  2. Ball Screw Rods

  3. Carbon Brushes

  4. Connector

  5. Connector Handles

  6. Contactors & Kits

  7. Controllers

  8. Cooler Motor

  9. DC-DC Commutators

  10. Drive Motor

  11. Emergency Stop Switches

  12. Handheld Programmers

  13. Hydraulic Motor

  14. IGBT

  15. Joysticks

  16. Lift Sensors

  17. Power Steering Actuator Assembles

  18. Rotary Position Sensor Kits

  19. Speed Sensors

  20. Torque Sensors

  21. Traction Battery Charges

  22. Wiper Motors


The Following Are Various Components of Forklift Wheel Parts, Rim, Tires & Presses that we sell:

  1. Tyres / Velg

  2. Tyre Presses

  3. Wheel Rims

  4. Polyurethane (PU) Wheels

Everything you search for we have stock.

We Sell Forklift Tires we also sell various kinds and sizes (size) of other forklift tires:

  1. Ban Forklift Bridgestone

    2. Ban Forklift Gajah Tunggal

    3. Ban Forklift Royal Crown

    4. Ban Forklift Advance

    5. Ban Forklift Greckster

    6. Ban Forklift Armour

    7. Ban Forklift Isolid

    8. Ban Forklift Deestone

    9. Ban Forklift Achiles

    10. Ban Forklift Aichi

    11. Ban Forklift BKT

    12. Ban Forklift Continental

    13. Ban Forklift Otani

    14. Ban Forklift Dunlop

    15. Dll


Here are various brands for the type of Selling Solid Forklift Tires / Forklift Dead Tires:

  1. Ban Solid Bridgestone

    2. Ban Solid Aichi

    3. Ban Solid Dunlop

    4. Ban Solid Armour

    5. Ban Solid Heung Ah

    6. Ban Solid Grecster

    7. Ban Solid Royal Crown

    8. Ban Solid Ascendo

    9. Dll





Here are various brands for selling Pneumatic Forklift Tires / Forklift Life Tires with a variety of batikan tire developments such as U-Lug and J-Lug

  1. Ban Pneumatic Bridgestone

    2. Ban Pneumatic Gajah Tunggal Super Grip

    3. Dll





The following specifications and size Sell forklift tires that we sell:

Forklift Tires 2.50-15 / Forklift Front Tires / 2.5 Ton Forklift Rear Tires

2. Forklift Tires 3.00 - 15 / Forklift Front Tires / 2.5 Ton Forklift Rear Tires

3. Forklift Tires 3.50-15 / Forklift Front Tires / 2.5 Ton Forklift Rear Tires

4. 4.00 - 8 Forklift Tires / Forklift Front Tires / 2.5 ton Forklift Rear Tires

5. Forklift Tires 5.00 - 8 / Forklift Front Tires / 2.5 Ton Forklift Rear Tires

6. Forklift Tires 5.00 - 12 / Forklift Front Tires / 2.5 Ton Forklift Rear Tires

7. Forklift Tires 5.50 - 15 / Forklift Front Tires / 2.5 Ton Forklift Rear Tires

8. Forklift Tires 6.00 - 9 / Forklift Front Tires / 2.5 Ton Forklift Rear Tires

9. Forklift Tires 6.50 - 10 / Forklift Front Tires / 3 ton Forklift Rear Tires

10. Forklift Tires 6.00 - 15 / Forklift Front Tires / Forklift Rear Tires

11. Forklift Tires 7.00 - 12 / Forklift Front Tires / Forklift Rear Tires

12. Forklift Tires 7.00 - 15 / Forklift Front Tires / Forklift Rear Tires

13. Forklift Tires 7.50 - 15 / Forklift Front Tires / Forklift Rear Tires

14. Forklift Tires 7.50 - 16 / Forklift Front Tires / Forklift Rear Tires

15. Forklift Tires 8.15 - 15 / Forklift Front Tires / Forklift Rear Tires

16. Forklift Tires 8.25 - 15 / Forklift Front Tires / Forklift Rear Tires

17. 9.00 - 20 Forklift Tires / Heavy Equipment Tires

18. Forklift Tires 10.00 - 20 / Heavy Equipment Tires

19. 12.00 - 20 Forklift Tires / Heavy Equipment Tires

20. Forklift Tires 16 x 6 - 8 / Forklift Tires

21. 18 X 7 - 8 Forklift Tires / Forklift Tires

22. Forklift tires 21 x 8 - 9 / Forklift tires

23. Forklift Tires 23 x 9 - 10 / Forklift Tires

24. Forklift Tires 23 x 10 - 12 / Forklift Tires

25. Forklift Tires 28 x 9 - 15 / Forklift Front Tires

26. Etc.

Want to Order Our Hitachi Forklift Spare Parts Via Marketplace:

  1. Untuk bertransaksi di Tokopedia Anda bisa lansung klik disini

Immediately contact us now, because we will serve you with pleasure.

Mr. Romeo: 0817-0313-6572 WhatsApp and Telephone

Ms. Chyntia: 0821-4104-5240 WhatsApp and Telephone

Office Address: Bubutan 82 A, Telephone Office 031-5329714

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.dealerforkliftpartmurah.com

Website: www.forkliftmurah.com

Here are the various Heavy Equipment Spare Parts that we sell:

  1. Excavator

  2. BullDozer

  3. Wheel Loader

  4. Crane

  5. Motor Grader

  6. Heavy Equipment Lainya

Thank You

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